This Application helps to find any unknown image details on google easily.This is simple application,that searches images on result depends on search by image is free application to search images and photos with a simple operation.It is comp\fortable to use because applied material design well.
- Search by image not available in mobile browser
- Simple to use
- Fast and reliable
- Support camera to capture image
- Easy image editor before search
- Support Google, Tineye, Yandex and Bingsearch engines
- Show result from multiple search engines at the same time
- Open shared image from other Apps like Facebook, twitter, browser, etc. No need to save it.
- Remove Ads by purchase full version.
Search Results:
- Show similar images
- Show visually similar images
- SafeSearch filter option in settings (Google only).
Typical Use Cases:
- Find similar images
- Find out if an image is modified or original
- Find out fake images
- Find out if an image is new or just old one already available in the web
- Search by part of an image, This is helpful if the image is combined from multiple images.
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